Subject: Trouble focusing at work? (Here’s the fix) Body: We’ve all been there… Sitting at work, trying to focus and get things done… only to find ourselves distracted by any little thing. Unable to perform even the simplest of tasks. Uninspired. Unproductive. Feeling bored and stuck. Does it sound at all familiar? Well, it gets worse… because whether you know it or not, lack of productivity is one of the main reasons why people are losing their job every day. And let’s face it… nobody can afford that. Not in this economy. But there’s a simple way to fix this from within. Because science has recently proven that this behavior at work is mostly due to low levels of a recently discovered protein in your brain called BDNF. And by raising your BDNF levels, you can instantly experience a noticeable boost in mental clarity, focus, productivity, and energy. Everything you need to get things done. And the good news is that raising your BDNF levels not only super easy… it’s also delicious. And doing it brings a whole heap of unexpected health benefits. Here’s how to raise your BDNF levels the easy way: Cheers! YOUR NAME HERE One last thing… People who’ve tried it are reporting spectacular results, check out what they are experiencing right here… it’s pretty amazing stuff: