Enjoy the many marvels of this world just a little longer. Learn the secrets to a longer lifespan
We all want to live longer! We all want more time with our loved ones, more time to travel, and more time to explore our hobbies, passions, and interests. We fight against age and disease just so we can enjoy the many marvels on this Earth just a little longer.
What if we told you there were two simple tricks that could extend your lifespan? According to one study, it’s as easy as getting an education and dropping a few pounds.
The study, out of the University of Edinburgh, examined data for more than 600,000 people. Not only were the participants’ genetic information analyzed, but that of their parents as well. The researchers looked for the various factors that affected life expectancy.
As expected, smoking cigarettes had the highest risk of shortening lifespan. Smoking a pack of cigarettes per day decreases life expectancy by an average of seven years. The good news: giving up smoking can negate this risk and restore lifespan to normal.
But beyond the things that impact lifespan negatively, the researchers found two things that drastically expended the lives of the people they studied:
- Education. The data indicated that education led to a longer life. Roughly one year of life was added for every year spent studying beyond school. Those who achieved higher degrees of education (Master’s Degrees and Doctorates) had a higher lifespan than those who stopped studying after completing traditional education.
- Bodyweight. Those who were overweight saw a negative impact on their life expectancy. For every extra kilogram of body weight, their life expectancy decreased by roughly two months. Losing those kilograms helped to extend the lifespan of those who were able to get in shape.
How fascinating is that? Two simple changes to your life, but they can lead to some pretty amazing benefits!
Even if you’re well beyond the age of going back to school, you can still continue your education. There are so many courses you can take, skills to learn, and hobbies to get involved in. The more you learn, the more you keep your brain flexible and malleable as you grow older. Not only will you acquire new skills, but you’ll live long enough to use them.
Weight loss may be a bit harder, but it’s absolutely worth the effort. Start by cutting back on sugar and empty carbs, and increase your intake of protein, healthy fats, and vegetables. Increase your weekly exercise beyond the 150 minutes per week minimum, and get in the habit of high-intensity exercise. A balanced diet and an intense exercise regimen will go a long way toward helping you drop those extra pounds.
Remember: you need to take steps now to prepare for your future. Start working on your body and mind now. Try NeuroActive6, you’ll experience the benefits of longer lifespan years from now. It’s absolutely worth the effort!
University of Edinburgh. “Learning and staying in shape key to longer lifespan, study finds.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 October 2017. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/10/171013091012.htm>.
Copyright: <a href=’https://www.123rf.com/profile_altanaka’>altanaka / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

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