3 More Reasons to Stay Hydrated

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Do you drink enough water? It’s a question asked of us many times when we’re younger, and for good reason. Sometimes it’s just too easy to drink an abundance of soft drinks or coffee and tea, things with more flavor, and forget about water. That’s not such a great idea, as you probably already know.

Despite this knowledge, remembering to get in the required amount of water each day can feel like a chore. We’re busy people, we don’t have time to worry about this. Well, you might want to reconsider, yes we have packed schedules, but if our health suffers because of it, then everything we do suffers as well. To help push the idea that water cannot be substituted, the Life Extension blog has presented us with 3 new reasons why we should be staying hydrated:

Water May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease and Other Conditions

A key function of water is to dilute blood. This is important for maintaining circulation and a healthy cardiovascular system.

One study showed that drinking five or more glasses of water per day was linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease in comparison to those drinking two or fewer glasses daily.

In addition, good hydration is linked to a lower risk of blood clots, strokes, and hypertension.

If you want a long life, full of good health and mental sharpness, better not forget to drink plenty of water. Check out the full post for the other reasons why.

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