3 Ways to Slow Down Time

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As you get older, time starts passing faster. Or at least that’s how it seems. We all know that some circumstances make time feel like it’s at a stand still, others do the opposite. Personally I feel that each wraps up twice as quick as the one before, which doesn’t bode well for my getting much done in my later years.

Whatever weird neuroscience-y stuff is going on in our brains to create this warped effect, there’s no doubt we most often don’t appreciate it. It’s seen to suck our time away, we don’t pay as much attention to when it gives us more than we expected. But it can do just that, and an Article in the Huffington Post nicely sums up three ways we can accomplish it:

3. Get into the flow. When you’re “in the zone” your brain is 100% engaged, absorbing every detail of what you’re doing, which Coyle says is the exact opposite of living numbly on autopilot. Where do you excel and find yourself in the flow? I find my “zone” when I’m spending time with my daughter, caring for the most critical patients in the ER and in my media work. When I’m doing these things, the rest falls away. But everyone is different. You can find yours anywhere from your paid job, to a side dream project that you work on after the kids are in bed, to outside activities, from painting to singing to volunteering. Connecting with those you love and close friends is also a great way — anything where you’re totally present and immersed in the activity.

Being in a state of flow is a great experience, some have called it the best of their lives, so to here that it can slow down time is just another plus. Check out the full article for the other time-stopping tips.

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