Fittest old people are discussing here anti-aging secrets. Read below what is their lifestyle to stay fit
Aging is still an inevitable aspect of life. Whether that changes in the future is up for debate, the fact remains that we should be doing what we can to make sure we age gracefully. Science has, however, divulged to us the many ways that our lifestyle might affect how we age, which has given us insight into what we should be doing.
Another good place we might look is to the people that have successfully aged, that have reached the point most of us would consider ‘old,’ while maintaining a high level of health, fitness, and happiness. Ben Greenfield Fitness has found 5 of the fittest old people on earth, each of whom have their own recommendation:
Tip From Fit Old Guy #4: Don Wildman – “Do Epic Things”
After researching Don Wildman (now 80 years old) a bit more, I discovered that he not only does this same “epic” workout quite frequently, but he also goes mountain biking on difficult trails for miles every single day, along with stand-up paddle boarding, big-wave surfing and even helicopter snowboarding.
These may seem like epic, scary, daunting tasks, but Don still does them, and he’s certainly living life at a much more exciting level than 99% of his peers, and staying incredibly fit doing it. So what “epic” or “scary” event or workout can you add to your calendar this week, this month or this year?
While routine works well, it’s important that we get outside our comfort zones and break away from regularity every so often. Even better if that break includes something epic. Check out the full post for the other tips.
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