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Do you know turmeric reduces the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease? Here’s how
Did you know there is one simple ingredient that can reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and possibly even prevent the onset?
And you can find this ingredient at the local grocery store.
That ingredient is Turmeric.
Turmeric is a root with bright orange flesh protected by tough brown skin, most commonly found in India and the rest of Asia.
It’s use has been documented for over 3000 years for both cooking and medicinal purposes. While its utilization in history spans back multiple centuries, modern research has begun to shine light on the underlying mechanisms contributing to its healing capabilities.
Turmeric’s bioactive power stems from its ability to readily cross the blood-brain barrier, the central nervous system’s defense against potential pathogens. Since it’s able to access the brain’s blood system, it can have immediate and direct manipulations are biological malfunctions.
Although turmeric possesses more than 300 bioactive components, one of the most profound compounds is curcumin, a yellow pigment responsible for much of the medicinal affects. Below is a list of 5 of the benefits associated with regular consumption of turmeric and Alzheimer’s disease.
What is Alzheimer’s disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by declining cognitive abilities and brain atrophy. The observable symptoms arise from an accumulation of amyloid plaques as well as abnormal congregations of proteins. Amyloid plaques, a sticky substance building outside of nerve cells, form when a particular protein called beta-amyloid clusters together.
1. Reducing Amyloid Plagues
Curcumin can reverse certain effects of the disease through several mechanisms: firstly, through aiding and directing the role of macrophages in the immune system- a type of white blood cell that consumes cellular debris, harmful and foreign particles.
Macrophages play a role in preventing amyloid proteins buildup by clearing amyloid proteins outside of cells in the brain. When more macrophages are active and directed by curcumin, the likelihood of amyloid plaques significantly decreases.
2. Fighting Inflammation
Neuroinflammation is another hallmark of Alzheimer’s. The inflammation is accompanied by a collection of pro-inflammatory substances through the deposition of amyloid plaques.
Turmeric operates to lower the amount of pro-inflammatory substances that signal the immune system to increase the inflammatory response. It does so by impairing the cellular process of producing immune system agents. Continual use of turmeric has been correlated to diminished inflammation in Alzheimer’s patients.
3. Working as an Anti-oxidant
Free radicals are a natural byproduct of standard biological processes but can be excessively produced by environmental stressors. They are unstable and unpaired atoms seeking to stabilize, and thus attacking molecules along the way. They cause damage to DNA, cells and proteins and are implicated in the pathology of numerous diseases, including Alzheimer’s.
Curcumin effectively reduces damage caused by free radicals by neutralizing their charge and therefore inhibiting harmful effects.
4. Lowering Cholesterol
Amyloid plaques are additionally exacerbated by an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood. A component of cholesterol accumulates within the cell, increasing the collection of amyloid proteins.
Curcumin has been speculated to hinder the formation of cholesterol, removing this aggravator for plaque formation.
5. Activating glial cells
Glial cells are neuronal support cells, tasked with providing nutrients and protection to neurons. Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to an over-activation of a certain type of glial cell, microglia. When microglia are overly activated, pro-inflammatory particles are overly produced further contributing to inflammation and amyloid plaques.
Curcumin inhibits the proliferation of microglia, thus limiting the degree of pro-inflammatory molecules and overall inflammation.
You can also try NueroActiv6, a supplement made from natural ingredients including the extract of turmeric.

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