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Is depression hitting you hard? Here are some natural ways to deal with winter blues.
Winters can be quite hard and harsh depending upon your geographical location. The drop in temperatures and consistent snowfall pose challenges to carrying out routine tasks. Add to it the fact that the reduced sunlight messes with our endocrine system and bring some undesired changes to our hormone levels.
Seasonal-Affective Disorder (SAD) sets in during the early months of winter. SAD is associated with depression and a drop in energy levels. Common symptoms of SAD are:
- Change in sleeping patterns often leading to oversleeping
- Increased craving for carbohydrate-based food.
- Weight gain
- Low energy and gloominess
Experts have identified reduced sunlight as a trigger for the onslaught of winter blues. During winters, our body’s normal functions lose synchronization and a hormonal imbalance occurs as well. The drop in temperatures and reduced sunlight is responsible for the reduction in the levels of serotonin and melatonin.
- They are neurotransmitters that are responsible for regulating our mood and energy. Winter blues are inevitable and almost 11 million Americans suffer from depression during winters. However, there are some ways to cope with winter depressions. Nature Cell has brought to you 6 incredible ways to deal with and overcome seasonal depression.
Sweat it Out
- Dark and cloudy days are absolutely the worst. They cast a shadow over your head and can suck vibrancy and energy out of everything. To fight the blues, it is important to keep moving around and stay active.
Hit the gym and sweat it out. Exercise has been associated with boosting energy levels and reducing symptoms of depression and gloominess. Even a 15 minutes yoga session at home will help you fight winter blues.
Don’t Limit Yourself Indoors
- Do not limit yourself indoors during winters. Take the full benefit of a bright sunny day and spend some time outside. Bright sunny days are a rare occurrence during winters anyways so don’t let them go to waste.
Spend some time outdoors even on days when the sun is not being cooperative. A 15-20 minute walk to the nearest grocery store can help lift your spirits.
Brighten Up Your Room
- Make an effort to keep your room bright and lit during winters. Pull down the curtains and remove the blinds. Allow the light to penetrate inside your room. A brightly lit room during winters adds warmth and vibrancy.
Cut off any tree branches that might be hindering the penetration of light in your room.
Have Some Vitamin D Supplements
- Vitamin D deficiency is quite common. Estimates say that 70% of Americans are vitamin D-deficient. The deficiency of this vital vitamin can cause tiredness, fatigue, and mental fog. Winter blues become more difficult to handle if you are already suffering from a deficiency of Vitamin D.
So this winter, fight off seasonal depression by overcoming Vit D deficiency. Get yourself tested for vitamin D levels. If you are deficient then make it up by taking Vitamin D supplements.
Surround Yourself with Positive People
- Being surrounded by positive and supportive people is a cure for depression and mood disorders. Remember to connect with your loved ones during winters. Plan outings and fun activities like theatre and brunches with your friends.
Good company has a positive effect on one’s mood and spirits.
Load Up on Healthy Carbs
- During winters, our body requires extra energy to regulate body temperature which is why we tend to full hungrier. Don’t give in to your craving for sugary stuff. If you do, you will load up on bad carbs which will make you feel lazy and bloated.
Eat healthy and complex carbs like dry fruit, whole grains, fish meat, and fruits. They will keep you active and healthy throughout winters.
NeuroActiv6 is a supplement that helps boost brain power, improves mood, and restore energy levels. You can beat the winter blues by regular consumption of this supplement.

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