9 tips to living a healthier and happier life

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Everyone wants to be happy with their life, but what does that take? When we start to think about it, we could be happy in the moment or happier in the long run. Does acting in the moment make us most happy? Or is it when we exert willpower and have our futures in mind that we become most happy?

Not only this, but everyone has different likes and dislikes, and sometimes we don’t know what ours are. We spend the early years of our lives getting a good education and a high paying job, only to realize we don’t enjoy it and have wasted our best years. Given all of this confusion and misdirection, how do we know for sure that what we’re doing now will lead us towards a happy and healthy life? LifeExtension.com have a few tips to help:


Feeling a sense of belonging to a group goes hand-in-hand with having a purpose. People should have a place where they can reach out in times of need and also lend support to others and many faith-based groups have this built into their culture. “Attending faith-based services four times per month adds up to 14 years of life expectancy,” notes Buettner. Feeling like you don’t have to take on all of life’s burdens yourself creates a buffer against stress and diseases such as hypertension.

We are after all very social creatures, it makes sense that having a social life in which we are supported can help us live longer and be happier. Check out the full post for the other tips.

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