What can keep you young? It’s a question people starting asking more often the older they get. I for one believe you’re only as old as you feel, if you keep your mindset the same and make an effort to have fun and enjoy yourself, that will go a long way.
But we want more than that don’t we? The mindset is great, but it’s also helpful to have more concrete tips, where we can see the benefits and science behind them. Well, there are plenty of those too, even better, Newsmax has put together 11 of the best tips from a range of anti-aging experts:
No. 2: Improve your diet. Concentrate on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk, and seafood. Experts recommend five servings of fruits and vegetables every day, and three daily servings of whole grains along with two servings of fish every week. Deeply colored fruits and vegetables are anti-inflammatory and are rich in beneficial compounds, such as antioxidants, which slow aging. Avoid sugar, salt, saturated fats, fried foods, and limit red meats.
Come on, you knew your diet was going to be one of the top tips didn’t you? Your diet is always a top recommendation for almost any health related list, which should only highlight it’s importance even more. But of course that’s not all, go check out the full post for the other 10 tips.
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