Be Better at Life: How to Find More Time to Train

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I remember the good old days of being a kid and having all the time in the world to do whatever you wanted. Feel like kicking a football around all day? Go for it. Feel like a Star Wars marathon? No problem. But, we get older, and responsibilities set in, and suddenly it feels like we always have somewhere to be, and something better to do.

One of the unfortunate things that often gets left behind is our fitness. We seem to lose the time we need to exercise, it becomes an afterthought. That shouldn’t happen, especially if we care about ourselves. Thankfully Breaking Muscle has some tips for us:

Most people don’t have a concept of how much time they waste daily on their phone. So do me a favor. Every time you check your phone for a text message or social media update, do five burpees. You will learn fast how much of a time suck the phone can be. I bet most of you waste hours of time each day. The cell phone also makes your other tasks take much longer because it’s a distraction.

Have some self-control. Put the phone away sometimes. Don’t be so attached. Sounds easy enough, right?

When it gets down to it, we have the same amount of time in each day as we did 10 years ago, we’re just inundated with all these new tasks and technologies that we can’t resist. Eager for more time saving exercise tips? Check out the full post.

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