Study Reveals The Upside To Major Stress

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A small study has shown that having major life events that create stress might in fact help us deal with the more mundane, smaller stressful events that plague us everyday. The big problems stop us from sweating over the small things.

It seems odd that stressful events would be welcomed, but many studies have found that stress itself isn’t too much of a problem unless it’s prolonged, something many smaller events is likely to produce more than a one-off. It helps back up Frederich Nietzsche’s belief that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The Huffington Post have more on the study:

They discovered that people who had gone through tough times in the last year were less likely to get bent out of shape over smaller, daily stressors. “Our study tells us that there’s no expiration date on the impact of life-changing, stressful events,” Shevaun Neupert, the study’s co-author said in a release. “And the study tells us that many people actually weather these major stressors and emerge more resilient and less easily influenced by daily stresses.”

In everyday life it’s the small things we shouldn’t be getting stressed out over, and the bigger events can actually help us to overcome them. It’s an interesting new way to view stress, be sure to check out the full post for all the details.

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