7 surprising things that make you live longer

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In our quest for longer lives we usually turn to healthy eating and a good exercise regime. Out side of that, we sit waiting for science and technology to bring us new and improved means fro life extension, from 3D printed organs to cancer fighting bacteria and anything else that we hope will one day reduce the strain of aging.

But even beyond these well known areas of study, researchers have discovered other strange and surprising ways we can help ourselves live longer. The body and the mind are complex and chaotic at the best of times, we barely understand how they work, so it might not be too unusual to see some odd things have such a profound effect, but as Metro notes, they’re still things we’d probably not think of ourselves:

3) Singing

The majority of us may not have the X Factor, but here’s an excuse to belt out the high notes loud and proud regardless of ability.

Singing doesn’t just lift mood. According to this study, it can also improve your immune system, making you better equipped to fight off infection.

Suddenly we have another great reason to sing in the shower. If you think that’s a strange way to boost your life, wait until you see the rest of the tips.

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