Train for Longevity: 4 Priorities for Mature Athletes

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Naturally we can’t do the same things at 60 that we could at 20, that includes many of the exercise routines and fitness plans we used to rely on. As we age our joints get rusty and our muscles get tired, so while we try to continue keeping fit, our plans need to adapt to our bodies.

It’s important not to stop. It might be a little saddening to see yourself fall from the heights of your physical peak, but you’d be best not to let that stop from keeping your fitness up. After all, it may be more important in older age to help keep stress at bay, your mind sharp, and your body at it’s best. Breaking Muscle has a few tips that we need to remember when we’re training in our old age:

Train to Preserve Aerobic Capacity

My actions haven’t been congruent with my stated belief about how I should be training at the age of 56. Even though it’s fine to have a primary emphasis on strength, I shouldn’t allow any single fitness capacity to decline past a certain point, although I don’t exactly know where that point is for each capacity.

“…as athletes age, they should return to more generalized training for the sake of optimal health and functioning in their later years.”

One key is to keep a balanced routine, don’t leave out an aspect of physical fitness to concentrate to much on another. Check out the full article for all of the tips.

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