Playing 3D video games helps improve memory

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Video games have faced adversity since the time they were conceived. Regardless, they’ve become one the most popular pass times ever, and can probably be found in almost anyones home. They offer a form of entertainment like no other: stories that can rival a good book or movie, total control over the action, immersive graphics and sound, plus the perfect balance between difficulty and ability which leads to a flow state.

All of this leads to an addictive behavior. So addictive that some people have died playing video games when they forgot to eat or sleep, they couldn’t tear themselves away from the dopamine spikes that video games produce. Good thing is most of us know when to stop, and given that we do, we may be able to gain some of the benefits to gaming. One such benefit is improved memory, as Life Extension notes:

3D games are thought to stimulate the hippocampus, a brain region vital to memory that shrinks with age and is damaged by Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. US lead scientist Dr Dane Clemenson, from the University ofCalifornia at Irvine, said: “The 3D games have a few things the 2D ones do not. They’ve got a lot more spatial information in there to explore. Second, they’re much more complex, with a lot more information to learn. Either way, we know this kind of learning and memory not only stimulates but requires the hippocampus.”

Not that I needed much convincing, but this helps me feel better about lounging about all day and killing bad dudes. Check out the full post for all the details.

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