Black Currant Promotes Brain Health

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There are likely three pillars upon which longevity stand: physical exercise, mental exercise, and diet. They’re all getting a little more difficult today — we have jobs and leisure activities that have us sitting down for 8 hours day; we have fast food joints and processed foods helping raise obesity levels; and we have smart phones and technology meaning our brains are constantly distracted and anxious about times other than the present.

It takes a great deal of effort to reject these troublesome issues. We need to head to the gym or go for a run, we need to turn our phones off and enjoy the moment more, and we need to stack our cupboards with healthier food. One food you should consider adding to your kitchen is black current, a little berry that the Life Extension Blog says aids our brain health:

According to the results of the study, the participants taking the black currant juice and extract showed improvements in mood, mental performance, mental fatigue, and attention.1

In addition, the black currant juice was shown to reduce the activity of enzymes that break down dopamine and serotonin.

This may help to explain the mood improvements seen in participants. The scientists involved in the study hope these benefits extend to brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s’ disease. Nevertheless, more research needs to be conducted.

The simplest way to make a positive influence on your diet, without having to do a bunch of research or planning, is to consume more fruits and vegetables, and stay away from processed foods. Black current certainly fits that bill, so check out the full post to help convince you.

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