A Billionaire’s Cancer Moonshot

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Cancer claims many lives every year, but perhaps what everyone fears the most is that there is still comparably little we can do to stop it. While many suffer from other life threatening diseases, it’s cancer that remains the worst of the bunch for both the pain it causes and it’s reluctance to take head of the drugs we throw at it.

It’s hard to imagine that there is no cure, and as long as science continues to grow and evolve, most people agree that we’ll one day hit upon the secret formula. Someone wants to speed this process up, however. A billionaire entrepreneur is gathering together many drug makers to speed the development of potential cancer cures:

The group brought together by Patrick Soon-Shiong calls itself Moonshot 2020 and also includes academic institutions and insurers. Its leaders hope to get competing drug and biotech companies to work together on the combination treatments rather than developing their own compounds in isolation.

“The key contribution here is the ability to run combination studies with drugs from multiple pharma companies in a rapid manner,” said Manuel Hidalgo, clinical director of the Cancer Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center inBoston. “Combination studies with unapproved drugs from different pharma companies are not easy to do, and we want to be able combine three to four drugs, not just two.”

Cancer sits atop our most wanted list, but with a little luck and a lot of research and development, we should be able to knock it down. Read the rest of the article for more details about this project.

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