How Turmeric Helps Combat the Effects of Sitting

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Turmeric is a popular ingredient in many delicious Indian recipes, not only for its taste, but also for the incredible color that has it standing out above everything else. This spice has a number of health benefits, but among them is one rather odd and unintuitive benefit that in this day and age, should be brought to our attention.

More and more people are spending the majority of their time sitting down. Whether it’s for work or leisure, this lazy activity is wreaking havoc on our health, with particular ill effects regarding our longevity. Now, we could help ourselves by getting up and maintaining a more active lifestyle, which for some is easier said than done, or, it turns out, we might be able to introduce more turmeric into our diet:

Just like our muscles atrophy if we don’t use them, when it comes to arterial function, it’s ‘use it or lose it’ as well. Increased blood flow promotes a healthy endothelium. The cells lining our arteries can actually sense the sheer force of the blood flowing past. That flow is what maintains the stability and integrity of the inner lining of our arteries. Without that constant tugging flow, it may help set us up for heart disease.

Recently, researchers tried out curcumin, the yellow pigment in the spice turmeric.

They showed that regular ingestion of curcumin or up to an hour a day of aerobic exercise training significantly improved endothelial function. And the magnitude of improvement in endothelial function was the same. So does that mean we can just be a couch potato as long as we eat curried potatoes? No, the combination of curcumin and exercise may work even better than either alone.

As the article notes, your best bet is to workout and indulge in more turmeric. But of course, not all of us can get away from a seated lifestyle, so at the very least, using your diet to better effect shows how much it can help. Check out the full article for more details.

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