Turmeric Can Regenerate A Damaged Brain

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The brain is unmatchable in terms of it’s amazing potential for connections and ability to learn and adapt. It has allowed us to comprehend the universe and everything it encompasses, along with using it’s inherent creativity to design and build an incredible array of technological marvels.

No other creature has this capacity for thought. But despite the power of our brain, both it and the world at large still suffer many ills, from brain damaging diseases to the general decline associated with aging. In our search for solutions we’ve come across many possibilities, one such being turmeric. As Natural Society write, turmeric has been shown to help regenerate a damaged brain and increase the stem cell count:

Published in the journal Stem Cell Research & Therapy, this recent study both showcases yet another benefit of turmeric while providing evidence that the magic compound “curcumin” within turmeric isn’t the only compound responsible for the spice’s health benefits. Researchers noticed that a lesser known, fat-soluble component within turmeric, known as Ar-turmerone, may make “a promising candidate to support regeneration in neurologic disease.”

Scientists discovered that when they put neural stems cells in petri dishes and bathed them in extracts of Ar-turmerone, up to 80% more of the stem cells grew into neurons or others cells. This is compared to control experiments where the chemical wasn’t used.

If the findings hold up, turmeric could become a superfood like no other, and an essential addition to any health-oriented kitchen. Check out the full post for more details.

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