Is Tea the Secret to Strong Bones?

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When it comes to strong bones, milk has been championed for years. Children are encouraged to use it in their breakfast, hot drinks, and even just to drink it straight, because the belief is that as they grow up they need this calcium to build a strong frame for the rest of their life.

This may, however, be more a product of the commercial milk industry trying to sell more product. Science has so far failed to find much evidence supporting the hypothesis, one study even found that drinking lots of milk when you’re younger increases your risk of breakages in old age. Science is, however, finding alternatives that actually work, and one of them may be tea:

Scientists at South Australia’s Flinders University studied almost 1,200 women whose average age was 80. During the 10-year study, the group suffered 288 breaks, but those who drank at least three cups of tea daily were almost a third less likely to break a bone as those who rarely or never drank tea.

Experts believe that chemicals in black and green tea called flavonoids accelerate the building of new bone while slowing the breakdown of existing bone.

Milk has become such a staple of our diets that it’s difficult to see that changing any time soon, but this does raise questions about why we drink it. And, of course, it also shows that tea might be a more appropriate beverage to indulge in. Check out the full post for all the details.

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