Anti-Aging Secrets to Keeping Skin Healthy in Winter

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The cold weather is rough. It can lead to getting sick, becoming lazy or lethargic, and it’s not so great for our skin either. The dry and cool conditions can wreak havoc on our bodies, but that doesn’t mean we cannot take measures to reduce the effects.

Dr. Anthony Youn points out that there are two factors that determine the health of our skin: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic is all you, it’s your genetic predisposition and your personal susceptibility to different problems. The extrinsic is your environment, which has a huge effect. News Max reveals several tips for keeping the extrinsic factors under our control:

Sun damage. Excess ultraviolet radiation is the absolute worst thing you can expose your skin to if you want stay looking young. We know it can cause cancer, but it’s also a prime factor in skin aging and wrinkles. Just check the difference of the skin on your face and hands to areas of your body that aren’t regularly exposed to the sun.

Tobacco use. Smoking is second only to UV radiation in its aging effects on the skin. It constricts blood vessels, which decreases blood supply to your skin. Smoking also dehydrates your skin and increases free-radical damage. One study showed that the risk of developing severe wrinkles is three times higher in smokers than in nonsmokers.

These are the two biggest factors, and problems that many people face everyday. Reduce them and your skin will thank you. They are not, however, the only factors–go check out the full post for the others.

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