Impatience May Cut Your Life Short

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We live in a time where we expect to get things now. Any delays or long waits are downright stressful. Whether it’s for a new smartphone or waiting for a coffee, we now expect everything to happen fast. Perhaps it’s a byproduct of a society that has put a premium on productivity, the more we can get done in less time, the better.

What this leads to an impulsive, stressed, impatient mass of people. This society high on productivity might lead to a more accessible and on demand commercial atmosphere, but the impatience that comes along might be sending us to an early grave. Newsmax has the details of a new study:

In a paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the team explained that telomeres protect the chromosomes from damage — as cells divide, telomere length shortens — and scientists believe this is one of the main reasons we age.
As telomeres grow shorter, starting at around age 16, we grow older — until eventually the cells can no longer divide and we die.

In this new study, the researchers report that they have found impatience may cause biological changes that lead to telomere shortening, which may in turn cause people to age faster and die sooner, Medical Xpress reports.

While it’s great to be able to get anything whenever you want it, being able to remain patient when you do have to wait is apparently and important characteristic—it might just extend your life. Check out the full post for more.

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