As we get older, one of the first body parts that starts to struggle is our back. From all of those years of picking up heavy things without proper form, from sitting at desks and in chairs for hours everyday, plus just the natural weight of our bodies, our backs are what give way quicker than anything else.
This is problematic, given that anyone hoping to maintain an active, athletic and energetic lifestyle into their old age is going to require a strong and well-maintained spinal area. It’s essential for our posture and provides that backbone to many physical activities that will suffer without it. Thankfully Breaking Muscle has some recommendations for how we can keep our back in shape:
The Answer Is Not More Stretching
Most back problems are caused by an inability to deal with flexion, rotation, or both. Dr. Stuart McGill has said that in 80 percent of cases who present to his clinic for treatment, he can alleviate lower back pain by simply having them stop stretching the area. This directly contradicts the normal clinical advice given to someone with a lower back complaint.
In other words, your lower back shouldn’t be all bendy and whippy like a willow tree in a storm. This is why heading off to yoga to fix lower back problems is also fraught with danger. The area doesn’t need more stretching.
This is a common mistake that many people fall victim to. If you want to learn the correct way to deal with it, check out the full post.
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