Many compounds found in plants have health boosting effects that make them incredibly important foods. Some have more than others, so much so that they can become defined as superfoods. Then again, others might not contain the same amount, but instead contain molecules that are more powerful.
Canadian researchers have identified the six best groups of anti-aging molecules ever seen, and the particular plant extracts that contain them. While anti-aging is only one aspect of health as a whole, it’s becoming more important as more research comes out and more people aim to use that to extend their lives. New Max has more on the research:
For the study, the research team examined more than 10,000 trials to screen for plant extracts that have life-extending properties. The researchers explained that, on a cellular level, aging progresses similarly in both yeast and humans, making it the best cellular model to understand how the anti-aging process takes place in people.
Among the molecules with the most potent longevity-extending pharmacological properties discovered by the researchers: a specific extract of willow bark, which is also the source of an early form of the active ingredient in aspirin.
If we can better understand the natural products found in nature, then we may find ourselves extending our lives with affordable and abundant products. Check out the full post for more details.
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