Dark chocolate—the one without all the sugar and milk in it—has shown to be very beneficial to our health. Not only does it taste delicious, but it can also aid our brain and heart. Being one of the most widely consumed foods in the world, and added to anything from ice cream and cakes to drinks and sauces, knowing that there is a healthy side to it is a bit of a relief.
That benefit likely comes from a substance called epicatechin, which is found more in dark chocolate than in milk or white chocolate. New research has begun looking at how dark chocolate might also affect our workouts, some of which is discussed in an article on the New York Times:
Epicatechin is known to prompt cells that line blood vessels to release extra nitric oxide, a substance that has multiple effects in the body. Nitric oxide slightly increases vasodilation, or a widening of the veins and arteries, improving blood flow and cardiac function. It also gooses muscle cells to take in more blood sugar, providing them with more energy, and it enhances the passage of oxygen into cells.
Performance gains were not huge. The riders who had eaten dark chocolate covered an additional tenth of a mile during the two-minute time trial compared to when they had white chocolate. But that extra mileage occurred, the scientists point out, even though the riders otherwise followed the same dietary and training regimens during each of the two-week sessions.
When it comes to athletes competing in races, any gain is a good gain. Of course, coupled with the already documented benefits of dark chocolate—including helping both your brain and your heart—this is only one more good piece of news. Check out the full article for more details.
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