Flavonoids come in a staggering variety and offer an incredible array of health benefits. Among them are anti-inflammation, lower risk of disease, and improved brain power. While they all have different benefits, they are all found in the majority of fruits and vegetables, so by consuming these natural foods in good balance, you’ll reap many of these benefits.
Like anything, some flavonoids are better than others, and if you want to make absolutely sure you’re getting the best there is, understanding these differences is important and worthwhile. Fortunately Prohealth.com has you covered with this list of the most beneficial flavonoids along with where to find them:
A study of more than 124,000 people revealed that those with the highest intake of flavonoids had the least weight gain with age.2 Certain types of flavonoids were more effective for weight maintenance than others, particularly after the researchers accounted for fiber intake.
Anthocyanins (found in blueberries), proanthocyanidins, and total flavonoid polymers (found in tea and apples) showed the most significant effect after adjusting for fiber.
Make sure to check out the full post, where the best flavonoids for lowering heart disease, boosting brain power, and fighting cancer are discussed.
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