Your Brain: The New User’s Manual

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The brain weighs about 3 pounds, or roughly 2 percent of the entire weight of our body. Yet, startlingly, it uses anywhere from 20 to 30 percent of the bodies energy. It contains billions of neurons that give it the potential for hundreds of trillions of possible connections. Space may be vast, but the brain has it trumped for overall complexity.

We all have one of these things inside our head. It contains our thoughts, desires, our past; it contains us. How then, do we make sure that we take the best care of it? While there are still many unknowns regarding the brain and how it works, science has made progress, and we do have plenty of insights into some of the best methods for improving it:

Physical activity increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a sort of Miracle Grow for the nervous system. BDNF supports neurons’ growth and survival, modulates neurotransmitters (the messengers in nerve to nerve communication), and facilitates neuronal plasticity, which is essential for learning and memory. Pretty amazing stuff. And all for the price of a brisk walk.

As you might imagine, BDNF’s to-do list is important throughout life. Numerous studies have documented dramatically improved academic performance in children who were provided the structure for daily physically activity. Problems with attendance, discipline and concentration were also markedly diminished.

BDNF is essential for the brain to maintain a malleable, adaptable state—which is itself essential to our ability to learn. Check out the full article on the Huffington Post for more.

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