Why mood and stress genes linked to longevity found? Here is a secret for you.
Health is determined by many factors. For us to live long healthy lives, we need to get enough exercise, eat the right food, be wary of too much sun exposure, make an effort to reduce stress and anxiety, and on top of all that, we also likely rely on the genes and DNA that we were born with.
Most of the anti-aging conditions are within our control, which gives us a great deal of control over our own longevity. Something important can be said for stress and depression, however. Recent research has found that both stress and depression cause changes in gene expression, making them important to aging. Science Daily has more:
In a series of studies involving both C. elegans worms and human cohorts, researchers from the Indiana University School of Medicine and the Scripps Research Institute have identified a series of genes that may modulate the effects of good or bad mood and response to stress on lifespan. In particular, the research pointed to a gene known as ANK3 as playing a key role in affecting longevity. The research was published May 24, 2016 in the Nature Publishing Group journal Molecular Psychiatry, the top ranked journal in the field of psychiatry.
“Our subsequent analyses of these genes found that they change in expression with age, and that people subject to significant stress and/or mood disorders, such as people who completed suicide, had a shift in expression levels of these genes that would be associated with premature aging and reduced longevity” said Dr. Niculescu, who is also attending psychiatrist and research and development investigator at the Indianapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
The nature nurture debate is a complex one. While we have a good deal of control over our health, we are also influenced by the way we are ‘set up’ from the beginning. Check out the full post for more details.
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