Apples Lead To Strong Heart And Healthy Body

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away—along with keeping your heart and body in top shape. Natural fruits and vegetables are always the way to go over processed fast foods, but even within those natural realms there are foods that go above and beyond.

Apples are one such fruit. They are one of the most common fruits out there, and everyone knows they have many health benefits, but now science is pilling even research more upon their shoulders.There’s now several studies highlighting the effect of apples on our ability to war off life-threatening illnesses and in keeping our body in great shape:

When you read stacks of solid, convincing evidence that apples can keep your heart in good shape, your waistline in good shape, multiple cancers at bay, why would you not eat an apple a day? That shouldnt just be a saying, that should be a lifestyle! said Wendy Brannen, Director of Consumer Health and Public Relations, USApple.

Researchers at Harvard University found a higher intake of foods rich in flavonols, flavan-3-ols, anthocyanins and flavonoids, all of which are found in apples, was associated with less weight gain among adults 27-65 over a 24-year period. Consumption may also contribute to the prevention of obesity and its potential consequences. The study noted that even small amounts of weight gain—10 pounds or more—between 40-60 increased the risk of developing diabetes by 40-70 percent and several cancers by 24-59 percent.

The Harvard study is only one of three new apple-promoting studies that you should definitely check out. Head over to Life Extension and read about them there.

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