Are Your Groceries Really Covered With Pesticides?

groceries really covered with pesticides

Most of us know that pesticides are used on crops to help prevent pests from ruining the produce before it hits the supermarket.

However, most of us don’t acknowledge the reality that these pesticides continue to remain on the herbs, fruits, and vegetables even when they’re sitting in our refrigerators, waiting to be served for dinner!

Are We Really Exposed To Pesticides Through Produce?

It is an undeniable fact that there is pesticide residue present on the herbs, fruits, and vegetables which are sitting on our grocery store shelves.

Human beings are most likely to suffer pesticide contamination through the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

A study published in Food Control revealed that pakchoi cabbage, legumes, and leaf mustard contained more than the maximum residue limit of pesticides. This shows us that yes, there are definitely high levels of pesticides on our produce.

Are Pesticides Harmful To Humans?

The above-mentioned study concludes that though pesticides may be found in higher than ideal amounts in certain vegetables, their presence is really not a serious public health problem due to the lack of research on the effects that pesticides have on the human body

However, according to an article published by Pennsylvania State University, pesticides are considered dangerous for human beings because they are toxic by nature.

The level of danger can be determined by noting how much exposure you receive and how toxic the particular pesticide is in the first place.

The article by Pennsylvania State University discusses that pesticides can have acute effects; which means negative effects that occur immediately after being exposed to the chemicals, or chronic effects; which occur over a long period of continually getting small doses. Some potential long-term effects include:

  • Birth defects
  • Tumors
  • Genetic disorders
  • Nerve disorders.

How Can I Prevent Getting Exposure to Pesticides?

A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry revealed that If you want to eat it your apples raw, then your best bet is to soak them in baking soda for as long as you can.

The researchers noted that after only 12-15 minutes, more than 80% of the pesticides had been removed from the apples which were placed in a baking soda solution. Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done to remove the pesticides which have been absorbed into the produce.

Are There Pesticides in Supplements?

Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) by the FDA mandate that supplements must be screened intensively for pesticides.

If dietary supplements are screened properly and tested for heavy-metal content, then you can rest assured that the supplements are safe to consume. Be wary of cheaper supplements that are not regulated because they have been found to contain pesticides.

Dietary supplements can have multiple health benefits and many people attest to the fact that their mental and physical health has improved after consuming them. Neuroactiv6 is a great example of an FDA approved plant-based supplement which has benefited many people.

Of course, you should never substitute real food for supplements, but you should make sure to wash your produce thoroughly, preferably with a baking soda solution.

Taking FDA approved dietary supplements which follow cGMP is also another way you can benefit from the nutrients found in herbs, fruits, and vegetables without worrying too much about pesticides.

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