Do you know Astragalus boosts immune function, anti-aging, heart health, and protects against cancer?
Technology has only recently given us access to the tiny elements that make up the world around us. We can look at all the compounds, vitamins, proteins, and other microscopic building blocks that make up the food we eat. This has given us the ability to determine empirically good from bad foods and eating plans.
But while technology is young, realizing and trying to harness the many benefits of plant life date back thousands of years. One such example is Chinese medicine, which relies on the use of traditional herbs to alleviate health issues. We can now, using technology, test these theories—and for a herb known as astragalus, the evidence is pointing in the right direction
In addition to helping boost immune function, anti-aging, heart health, and protect against cancer, astragalus is of interest to life extensionists because of its ability to potentially put the brakes on aging.
Telomeres are segments of genetic material at the ends of your chromosomes that decrease in length with aging.
Research has shown that supplementation with a purified root of Astragalus membranaceus increased the length of critically short telomeres.
Longer telomeres are associated with healthy factors like exercise, less stress, and good nutrition, while telomere shortening has been associated with disease and reduced life spans. Therefore, we should be striving for longer telomeres…and astragalus can help!
There may be many herbs from traditional Chinese medicine that helps us in some way. Given these early results for astragalus, it appears we should be very welcoming of it.
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