Banish Your Vice for Good in 6 Simple Steps

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What you do each day will end up defining your life. Eventually you’ll look back and see today merged together with all the others, and those things you do most often will flash in front of your eyes as the dominating activity. Are you happy about that?

Think about what you’re doing right now. Would you be happy if this is what comes to mind most easily when you look back on life? Our vices often keep us from doing the things we want to, sometimes they can totally replace something more important, they become an excuse for not living the life we know we should. Thankfully, the Huffington Post can tell us how to rid ourselves of our vices:

2) Choose a Life Without Your Vice
If you really want to take down a vice, you must want a life without it. It’s important to understand that there is a “purgatory” that happens when you keep a vice around. When I say purgatory, I am referring to the suffering that occurs in the areas where you are spiritually and physically stuck. If you keep the cigarettes, there are things that you’ll have to give up in life. The vice is robbing you of aspects of life that you don’t even realize.

What vices are distracting you from a full life? Think about it, then use all the tips in the article to help you banish them for good.

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