Interesting facts about women’s health. Learn why women have healthier hearts
When it comes to physiology, there are some very visible differences between men and women. Women tend to have higher body fat content. Men have a higher muscle mass to bodyweight ratio. Women have a lower oxygen-carrying capacity. Men produce more testosterone while women produce more estrogen. These differences are what make each gender unique, and they can have a noticeable effect on health.
One area where women have a clear advantage over men is in the realm of cardiovascular health. Women develop heart disease later than men, but until recently it wasn’t quite clear exactly WHY that happened. Thanks to a new study from the University of Guelph, we know the truth: it’s thanks to ovarian hormones.
A team of researchers found that women were less prone to heart attacks than men of the same age. They also found that the heart attacks in men were more severe when they occurred during sleep. This led them to suspect that there was a link between these heart attacks and the circadian rhythm that regulates our body clocks.
To test the hypothesis, the researchers studied older mice that had a genetic mutation that desynchronized their circadian rhythms. Basically, their bodies were unable to regulate their circadian rhythms normally—according to the lead researcher, “we think of these CLOCK mice as a genetic model of shift work,” or irregular schedules.
The male mice developed heart disease, but curiously enough the female mice did not. The female mice had better cardiolipin profiles and more energy than their male counterparts. When the mice’s ovaries were removed, the female mice became as prone to heart attacks as the male mice.
According to the data, it seems the female ovarian hormones and the molecule in our bodies that regulates our circadian rhythm can work together to protect our hearts. The lead author stated, “This is the first study to demonstrate a link among female ovarian hormones, the circadian system which regulates the body’s day-night cycle, and the observation that women enjoy significant protection against heart disease when compared to men.”
Heart disease affects millions of people in the U.S. alone—the American College of Cardiology estimates that 1 in 4 deaths in the country is the result of heart disease. More than 200,000 women die each year of heart disease, or FIVE times as many women as die from breast cancer.
Some of the risk factors for heart disease include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, and lack of exercise.
But isn’t it amazing how our bodies are able to protect us from this sort of threat? Women are able to live longer and have a lower risk of heart disease because of the curious interplay between their ovarian hormones and the molecule that regulates their circadian rhythms. According to the lead author, the answer is simple: “Maintaining good circadian rhythms is important for achieving healthier and longer lives.”
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