The Complete Guide to Boosting Your Brain with BDNF

The Power of BDNF for Improving Brain Health

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is a protein generated by the BDNF gene in your body. Scientists have been researching this gene for decades now, and a lot of promising studies have been published supporting the positive effect BDNF has on your brain.

BDNF has been proven to help grow more brain cells, help control weight, and prevent neurodegenerative diseases- among other benefits.

Breaking down BDNF

To simplify things a little, BDNF is often called ‘brain fertilizer’. Fertilizer helps plants grow faster and stronger. Likewise, the BDNF protein helps your brain grow stronger as well.

After the BDNF gene creates instructions for creating the BDNF protein, it goes on to help the brain cells or neurons in your brain grow, and mature over time.

It manages to do this through three main methods:

1. Neurogenesis

BDNF is definitely important when it comes to creating neurons and helping them grow. A study published in Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences revealed that administering BDNF actually increased the number of neurons in the brain. (1) More brain cells generally imply better cognitive functioning and better overall brain health.

2. Improving synapses

BDNF generally remains in the synapses between neurons- or the channels between your brain cells. By remaining in these areas, BDNF has actually been proven to amplify the signal which is passed through the brain cells, and strengthen the synapses as well. (2) Enhancing brain signals can lead to faster processing and an improved ability to reason. Enhanced brain signals can also polish your ability to remember and consolidate memories.

3.Synaptic plasticity

By remaining in the synapses- which are areas in which cell communication occurs- the BDNF protein is also able to help enhance the communication channels adaptation to change. This adaptation of your brain communication channels is called synaptic plasticity, and better synaptic plasticity leads to improved learning and memory.

A 2002 study revealed that monkeys who were learning to use new tools underwent a greater upregulation of BDNF.(3) This shows that BDNF is required in tasks which involve learning and memory and therefore does improve synaptic plasticity in the brain.

Where is BDNF found?

BDNF is found in the highest quantity in the hypothalamus of the brain. The hypothalamus is important for controlling:

  • Eating
  • Drinking
  • Weight
  • Responding to fear

Since the protein is found in this region abundantly, it also plays a role in controlling the way we eat and drink, and also in the way we experience fear.

Studies have revealed that BDNF deficiencies lead to increased weight in both mice and humans. Studies have also revealed that administering adequate amounts of BDNF into the hypothalamus of the brain can decrease appetite and increase the desire to exercise. (4)

So BDNF definitely helps us control our weight. However, that’s not all it does. BDNF is also important in helping us process fear extinction.

A literature review published in 2012 concludes that manipulating BDNF levels can help enhance fear extinction and therefore help us control our fears. (5)

What happens if you are deficient in BDNF?

Being deficient in BDNF can lead to a variety of health problems, particularly problems related to your mental health. Studies have linked low BDNF to a variety of different health issues. If you have low BDNF, you could be subjected to the following health conditions:

Low BDNF can lead to anxiety

If you are deficient in BDNF you could find yourself suffering from anxiety or other fear-related disorders. A recent study used rats in an eye-blink conditioning apparatus to show that decreased hippocampal BDNF can increase feelings of anxiety. (6)

The hippocampus is important for maintaining memories, when hippocampus volume is reduced, then fear-extinction memories can weaken and therefore lead to abnormal feelings of fear and anxiety. Other studies also support the fact that individuals with anxiety have decreased levels of BDNF in their brain. (7)

Low BDNF can lead to increased Weight

Not having enough BDNF can also cause you to eat more then you should. Researchers investigated the effect of BDNF administration on rats and saw that rats who were administered BDNF showed significant appetite suppression compared to the controls and therefore lost weight. (8)

Low BDNF can lead to Neurodegenerative Disorders

Since BDNF plays an important role in helping brain cells grow it makes sense that studies have found patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s, all to suffer from low levels of BDNF. (9) BDNF therapy- through either protein delivery or gene delivery- could be used to help remedy these neurodegenerative disorders.

Low BDNF can lead to sleep deprivation

In various studies examining mood and mental well-being, high levels of BDNF were associated with progress. Researchers consider high BDNF as a sign of good mental well being mostly because BDNF levels a4re associated with adequate sleep. Rats and humans alike who are deprived of sleep show lower levels of BDNF. (10) BDNF is also important to keep your circadian rhythms in check, and that is why lower BDNF often leads to insomnia and other sleep disorders. (11)

Low BDNF can lead to more difficult relationships

BDNF can qualify as a natural anti-depressant, so not having enough can lead you to feel down a lot of the time. (12) Lower BDNF also leads to more avoidance. Women, in particular, seem to be more prone to the effect of BDNF on their relationships. (13)

Women who have higher levels of this protein have a tendency to be less avoidant in their relationships and more able to make bonds.

Low BDNF can lead to brain fog

Brain fog is a phenomenon in which individuals can not think clearly and they are suffering from short-term memory problems. Brain fog seems to be on the rise because of the diet that we have begun to consume.

Foods which are high in saturated fats and sugars can actually damage our memory and make it harder for us to remember things.

A bad diet can also lead to an increased amount of oxidative stress in the body and brain and this can cause some serious brain damage, especially to your memory. (14)BDNF helps grow brain cells and that is why it can help remove the brain fog you are experiencing.

When you have new healthy neurons, it is easier to think more clearly. BDNF can help your brain grow these neurons and become healthy again.

Low BDNF is linked to more stress

Research has revealed that individuals who have more cortisol in their blood generally have lower BDNF levels. (15) High cortisol levels indicate that a person is experiencing a lot of stress.

If you are suffering from high cortisol levels you can try to combat your stress with natural remedies such as ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful adaptogens available for combating stress and anxiety.

Many studies have revealed that consuming ashwagandha or ashwagandha extract can help reduce stress levels significantly. (16) Not only can consuming ashwagandha reduce stress levels, but research shows it can protect your brain cells by increasing BDNF levels in the brain (17).

The benefits of BDNF in a nutshell…

BDNF is highly beneficial, when you get enough BDNF in your diet you will be rewarded with:

  • Increased neuronal growth-more brain cells- which can improve your memory
  • Reduced feelings of fear and anxiety
  • Decreased appetite so you can finally start shedding those pounds
  • Less risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases as you age
  • Better sleep
  • Stronger social bonds and more overall happiness
  • Reduced brain fog
  • Less stress

What are the best sources of BDNF?

There are many ways you can get your body to pump out more BDNF. The great thing about BDNF is it can be produced naturally rather easily. The right diet, correct exercises, exposure to sun, and even fasting can help promote the production of BDNF in your body.

Boost BDNF with your diet

If you want to boost your BDNF you can do it by increasing it in your diet. The BDNF protein is found in a variety of food including those which contain the Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish.

On the other hand, it is important to note that eating certain foods can actually decrease your BDNF production. A diet which consists of high saturated fats and sugars can decrease your hippocampal BDNF production. (18) If you are on the quest to optimize your brain health you should stay away from high-sugar and foods high in saturated fat.

Whole coffee food extract to boost BDNF

Whole coffee food extract is a fantastic way to increase your BDNF. Whole coffee food extract is basically just a concentrated extract taken from coffee fruit which comes from coffee beans. It contains procyanidins and polyphenols which are fantastic at protecting your brain and boosting BDNF. (19)

A study conducted in 2013 revealed that whole coffee food extract can actually double BDNF levels. The interesting fact to note is that normal coffee did not have this effect. It is very important the extract is consumed as it contains the polyphenols and procyanidins. Other studies have revealed that coffee food extract can increase BDNF in the blood by up to 143%! (20)

Whole coffee food extract is definitely one of the best and fastest ways for you to increase your BDNF levels.

Here are some more foods you can consume to increase your BDNF:

  • Prebiotic foods- Garlic, onions, and honey are prebiotic foods and they are a great source for promoting BDNF production in your body. (21)
  • Soy- Researchers have discovered that BDNF was significantly increased in the frontal cortex of female rats after they were given both estradiol and soy phytoestrogens. (22)
  • Flavonoid and Polyphenol-rich food- Flavonoids are basically plant nutrients which give plants their bright color. Flavonoids are famous for their anti-inflammatory properties. Foods rich in flavonoids such as blueberries are great for helping improve memory through increasing BDNF production in the brain. (23)


Polyphenols have very strong antioxidant properties as well. These plant micronutrients are great for protecting your brain, and consuming foods which are rich in them can lead to an increase in your BDNF levels. (24)

You can get access to flavonoids and polyphenols through eating fruits such as berries and apples or you can opt to consume their extract through supplement form.

  • Fish Oil- Omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA (found abundantly in fish) are actually able to normalize BDNF levels in the brain. (25)
  • Resistant Starch- Resistant starch converts to sodium butyrate in your body and sodium butyrate is able to promote BDNF production and neurogenesis.(26)
  • Cocoa-Surprisingly, cocoa is also able to boost BDNF production. The polyphenols in cocoa, in particular, actually improve the protection of your brain cells by increasing the production of BDNF. (27)

Boost BDNF with Hormones

You can also get BDNF through various supplements and hormones. The following hormones have been analyzed in various studies and they have been proven to increase BDNF levels.

  • Melatonin- fish, cherries, bananas, and nuts all help increase melatonin production in your body. Not only does melatonin decrease oxidative stress in your brain, but once your melatonin is up, your BDNF levels are sure to rise as well. (28)
  • Estrogen- flaxseed, carrots, apricots, and tofu are all great sources of estrogen. Having more estrogen in your body can lead to an increase in your BDNF levels. (29)
  • Progesterone- Eating fish, oysters, and maintaining a healthy body weight are all great ways to balance your progesterone levels. If you have well-balanced progesterone then your BDNF levels will increase as well. (30)

You can take the above hormones through pills or try to get more of these hormones through your diet.

Boost BDNF with supplements

Apart from food and hormones, you can also take various supplements to increase your BDNF levels.

  • Curcumin- Curcumin is widely known for its great healing properties and neuroprotective effects. Part of the reason curcumin works so well is because it upregulates BDNF production in your brain. (31)

 You can get curcumin from natural sources such as turmeric. Turmeric actually gets its bright yellow color from the curcumin it has inside. Researchers have shown that administering curcumin actually restores BDNF levels in mice suffering from various health conditions. (32)

Curcumin is a great supplement to take if you want to improve your brain health, the antioxidant properties it contains can help restore any damage to your brain,(33) and the boost in BDNF it offers can help neurogenesis and memory.

  • Lactate- A 2011 study revealed that when individuals received a dosage of lactate their BDNF levels rose. (34)
  • Magnesium- Magnesium works as an antidepressant by increasing BDNF levels in the brain. Taking Magnesium supplements can help alleviate your depression and increase your BDNF levels in your prefrontal cortex and hippocampus at the same time. (35)

Boost BDNF with exercise

Exercising regularly is one of the best ways you can get your brain to pump out more BDNF.  Whether you exercise once, or whether you exercise regularly, working up a sweat actually gets your brain to pump out more BDNF.

Researchers have tested the memory of individuals before and after they exercise and these individuals generally perform better after they exercise. (36) This can be explained by the surge of BDNF they experience while working up a sweat.

So what sort of exercising should be done? Both high-intensity and low-intensity exercise have been proven to increase BDNF levels. Whether you want to head to the gym for a full-blown workout or simply go for a long walk, both are great methods to boost your BDNF.

Boost BDNF with fasting

Intermittent fasting, or refraining from food and drink for 12-24 hours can also improve your BDNF levels. Researchers observed rats and noticed that rats who fasted intermittently enjoyed longer life-spans and also released more BDNF. (37)

Boost BDNF with sunshine

Getting out under the sun can be a great way to de-stress yourself but it also has a hidden benefit as well. A study analyzing the serum BDNF levels of over 2000 individuals found that BDNF levels in the body are related to the season. BDNF levels were higher in the spring and summer and lower in the fall and winter. (38)

Many people think that this boost in BDNF might be due to vitamin D. However, this is not true. Vitamin D has not been linked to increased BDNF in any way. The real reason as to why sunlight increases BDNF probably has more to do with sleep.

More sunshine can help you sleep better and help balance your circadian rhythms. As mentioned earlier in this article, BDNF is strongly connected to both sleep and circadian rhythms and that is probably why sunshine has been linked to an increased amount of BDNF.

There are many ways you can increase your BDNF intake. You can try exercising throughout the week, increasing your intake of BDNF promoting foods, getting better sleep and getting more sunshine.

However, if nothing seems to be working, or if you are finding it too difficult to be consistent you can always try to take BDNF supplements and hormones. If you already suffer from health problems you should definitely consult with your doctor before trying artificial sources of BDNF.

However, a good brain-boosting drink or supplement will usually be more than enough for you to get an adequate dosage of this brain-friendly protein.

How do I know if I have low BDNF levels?

If you suspect you have low BDNF levels because you are suffering from; anxiety, unexplained weight gain, sleep deprivation, the inability to think clearly, or difficulty forming bonds in your relationship you can get on a diet and exercise plan immediately to boost your BDNF. However, if you really want quantified evidence that your BDNF levels are low you can visit your doctor and ask them to conduct a test (such as ELISA) to really find out what is going on inside you.

Almost everyone wants a miracle supplement which can help them clear their mind and in turn improve their lifestyle. For those who are looking for the ultimate method to enhance their brain power, BDNF is a great place to start. BDNF is one of the best proteins to help enhance your neuronal growth, learning, and memory. Whether you choose to bring more BDNF through natural sources, or through supplements, all the studies point to one thing, you will be sure to see real results sooner than later.

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