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Here’s how you can improve your memory with citicoline with easy steps
What Is Choline?
Choline is an essential nutrient. Choline has many benefits and studies have shown that individuals who are deficient in choline suffer from liver diseases and neurological diseases.
The beneficial nature of choline was first acknowledged in 1988 when it was identified as an essential nutrient. Since then, numerous studies have found great benefits of choline which include:
- Vital for pregnancy, lactation, and proper fetal growth.
- Improves memory.
- Diminishes the risk of heart disease. (By reducing plasma homocysteine).
- Decreases inflammation
As you can see, choline really is an essential nutrient that our bodies need in order to be healthy. You can get choline from Spinach, eggs, beets, and liver.
Choline is definitely essential, but what about its metabolite, citicoline?
Is Citicoline Important?
Unlike choline, we can not get citicoline directly from food.
Naturally, one can assume that eating choline-rich foods can increase our citicoline levels since citicoline is derived from choline in the first place.
However, citicoline supplements are a great way to boost your citicoline, and they have become very popular as a brain-improving supplement.
Improve Your Memory With Citicoline
A study published in 2005 by CSH press revealed that citicoline (otherwise known as CDP-choline) has the ability to improve memory deficits.
The interesting thing to note about this study is that citicoline not only improves general memory impairment but rather, it has the ability to improve memory deficits that are caused by living in impoverished conditions.
The researchers reared two groups of rats for three months. One group of rats were bred in a healthy environment, while the others were raised in an environment that was nutritionally lacking.
When these rats were given citicoline afterwards, the researchers found that only those rats that had lived in the impoverished condition improved in memory-related tasks. The citicoline had to be administered for three months for this effect to be seen.
The above study shows us that citicoline has the ability to fix memory impairments that have occurred in the brain.
You may be thinking that this is completely irrelevant to you, but did you know eating a fast-food diet can actually impair your memory? Perhaps taking citicoline can aid in undoing the damage our 21st-century diets have exhausted on our brain.
The researchers that conducted this study revealed that they had conducted another study in which citicoline was able to improve memory impairments in rats that were caused by aging.
So not only does citicoline help repair memory problems caused by poor nutrition, but it also aids in improving damage rendered by aging as well.
Citicoline is naturally made in your body, but taking citicoline supplements is a great way to boost your citicoline intake, which can help your memory improve.
For the prevention of aging problems and to increase your memory, you can use NeuroActiv6. It is an effective brain supplement made from natural sources.

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