Learn how thinking positively about aging be the secret of health
Ask someone what it takes to live a long and healthy life, and some mixture of exercise, diet, and rest will result. That’s both expected and appropriate, given that they do make for the most effective facets of life to get right. But they are not the complete picture.
One extra way to improve upon the length of your life might rely on your attitude towards aging. By changing a negative view of aging into something more positive, we might add on a few years. What does it mean to have a negative or positive view of aging? NPR explains:
In one study, Levy looked at people’s attitudes about aging when they were in late middle age and then followed them over time. Some of these people thought of older people as weak or dependent. Others thought of them as experienced or wise. What she found was that the people who had a positive view of aging lived about 7 and half years longer than the people who saw aging in a negative light.
Now that doesn’t mean that if you think positive thoughts about aging, it’s OK to sit on the couch in front of the TV and eat a pound of bacon.
But according to Levy’s other studies, this mind/body connection counts for a lot. For example, one showed that middle-aged people who had no cognitive impairment but did have negative views of aging were more likely to later develop the brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease. And the more negative their views, the worse those brain changes were. On the other hand, another study found that people with positive views of older adults were much more likely to recover from major health setbacks.
We can’t only look at our body when we think about our health, as the mind tends to play a larger role than we give credit for.
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