Adding dietary fiber helps stave off disease in old age and severe health conditions – It’s to use too
There’s a lot to be said around the subjects of carbohydrates and fats, along with many other dietary factors, but it seems as though the topic of fiber continuously floats under the radar. That should change, as dietary fiber helps stave off disease in old age and be a huge facet of overall health and wellbeing.
For instance, fiber is exactly what the microbiome living inside our gut likes to eat. That society of bacteria is essential to the strength of our immune system, our digestion, and even influences certain brain functions—scientists are coming to the realization that autism spectrum disorders may be at least partly due to a inadequately formed microbiome. Now, new research suggests that eating fiber won’t only improve health short-term, but also well into our older years:
Scientists from The Westmead Institute for Medical Research looked at data from a cohort group of more than 1,600 adults aged 50 years and over to look at a possible association between carbohydrate nutrition and what the team call “successful aging” — defined as an absence of disability, depressive symptoms, cognitive impairment, respiratory symptoms, and chronic diseases including cancer, coronary artery disease, and stroke.
After looking at the effect of total carbohydrate intake, total fiber intake, glycemic index, glycemic load, and sugar intake on successful aging, the team found that it was perhaps surprisingly fiber from sources such as breads, cereals, and fruits that had the biggest effect of those factors on successful aging, with those who had the highest intake of fiber benefiting from an almost 80 percent greater chance of living a long and healthy life during the 10-year follow-up and less likely to suffer from hypertension, diabetes, dementia, depression, and functional disability.
We know how important a good diet is, and fiber is another essential aspect of that. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you need fiber. Check out the full post for more details on the study.
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