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Should you eat organic foods for better body and brain health? Here’s what professionals say
It’s often prescribed that organic foods are healthier, cleaner and simply better for you overall than their non-organic competitors. But is there actual hard science behind this? Is this just another marketing scheme?
Turns out organic foods are both better for your body and the earth, and here’s why.
1. Avoid harsh chemicals
The U.S. Department of Agriculture oversees a federal program called the National Organic Program (NOP) which asserts a set of standards produce must meet in order to be certified organic. These standards maintain that organic foods cannot use various chemicals and synthetic substances to create a more natural farming experience.
In non-organic farming, food is contaminated with numerous harsh chemicals such as: pesticides and herbicides, hormones, antibiotics, and contaminated sewage sludge. Regular consumption of these substances can potentially create numerous profound abnormalities.
Pesticides and insecticides are designed to kill off unwanted invaders on crops but are not completely benign to larger beings. Effects can range from neurological symptoms including memory loss, reduced reaction time, hindered visual ability, reduced motor skills and deteriorating coordination. The symptoms can also develop into higher chances of cancer, hormone imbalance, asthma and potential reproductive abnormalities.
Hormones utilized in agriculture are typically growth hormones to increase the size or speed of growth of crops. While investigations point to possible negligible effects of such hormones in humans, there is some evidence the body may develop minor hormonal disruptions in certain circumstances.
Use of antibiotics may not pose threats to an individual directly, but chronic use of such bacteria-fighting agents allows the bacteria themselves to generate resistance. Antibiotics become less effective overall, decreasing our ability to treat infections and illnesses.
2. Protect our ecosystem
Chemicals added to crops not only causes accumulating damages in us, but also harms wildlife, insects, and small organisms residing in soil. The ecosystem functions in harmony as each species play a unique role in maintaining balance so other species can survive as well.
When this balance becomes disturbed, it additionally offsets the ability of other living organisms that depend on those roles.
3. Avoid excessive contamination of the environment
Aside from harming living beings, chemicals can further damage the environment. Pollution not only directly affects those who consume it but additionally deteriorates land, contaminates water and disrupts the gaseous composition of the earth’s atmosphere.
4. Get more bang for your buck
Numerous studies investigating the differences between organic and non-organic produce in terms of nutritional value have determined overall the levels of most vitamins and minerals are fairly comparable. However, research conducted at Stanford University revealed there was a stark difference in the concentration of antioxidants. Other studies have highlighted potential benefits beyond antioxidant content, but the verdict on those remains inconclusive.
5. Brain health
The positive outcomes of choosing organic foods over its alternative are undoubtedly clear, and to solidify this point even more so I’d like to emphasize a portion of the influence they maintain in brain health. All of the previously discussed points: the accumulation of harsh chemicals, injury to overlapping ecosystems, contamination of the environment and decreased nutrition in nonorganic foods, directly and indirectly, alter brain functioning. Toxins disrupt proper communication and protein synthesis responsible for orchestrating neural activity. Additionally, cells become more damaged and die all throughout the body, including the brain. This leads to poor focus, memory, and can develop into more extreme symptoms overtime.
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