Oils often get a bad wrap simply due to their use in frying up fatty foods, but the truth is there is a lot of health benefits to them. The key is to know which ones are best and how they are most effectively utilized.
One example is extra virgin olive oil, which has been shown to have many heath benefits. Of course, this only occurs when it isn’t cooked or fried, but instead drizzled over a tasty meal. As Life Extension notes, a new study has found that this oil is particularly beneficial for your heart and cardiovascular system:
Though the study was tiny, involving 25 people, it’s among the first to link a Mediterranean diet containing extra virgin olive oil to lower blood sugar and LDL cholesterol after meals.
Blood tests conducted before and two hours after the meals found that blood sugar rose after eating in all the participants, which is normal. But blood sugar rose much less after a meal with olive oil compared to one with corn oil. The blood tests also revealed lower levels of low-density lipoprotein, the “bad cholesterol,” among the subjects after eating the meal with the extra olive oil. The results were published in the journal Nutrition and Diabetes.
The Mediterranean diet is becoming more popular given that more studies are showing it to be incredibly heathy, the olive oil that is a large part of that diet is one reason why. Check out the full post for more details of the study.

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