There’s been a large movement towards brain training applications in the last few years. Several smartphone games have popped up claiming to boost your cognitive abilities—things like memory, problem solving, and spatial reasoning. The science, however, has found that these games don’t achieve much, at most you become better at the specific games, but those skills rarely translate to outside tasks.
This is not to say that there are not activities and programs you can follow that do sharpen your mind. Things such as exercise, meditation, and the right diet have been shown to be the real deal—much more effective than screen-time. Newsmax has details on a recent study:
Researchers put 127 elderly people on what they called a brain fitness regimen for 12 weeks that included meditation training, cognitive behavior therapy, and education about the Mediterranean diet, exercise, stress reduction and proper sleep habits.
By the end of the program, 84 percent of participants experienced significant improvements in cognitive function, researchers reported in a paper released online February 5 in the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease.
If mental sharpness is something you’re after—and really, who isn’t?—then these activities are the best type of training there is. Check out the full post for more details of the study.

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