Healthy Brain Tied to Active Sex Life

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There are many modern ills when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. It would seem intuitive to say that we have more luxuries and better options today than in the past, but it’s also clear that many of us use this wealth of choice to continuously make the wrong decisions. We choose fast, processed food over natural, we choose quick entertainment fixes instead of reading books or learning new subjects, and we choose comfort over exercise and effort.

The result is that despite the health options available, we’re becoming less healthy. Both our bodies and our minds suffer. There is some hope, as the more we understand the science behind all of this, the more we can sway ourselves towards the right decisions. When it comes to brain health, science is uncovering one important activity that, unlike many others, shouldn’t be too difficult to motivate people towards: having sex.

After adjusting for other factors that might explain the link between brain function and sexual habits – age, relationship status, living arrangements, education, wealth, exercise routines, depression, loneliness and quality of life – older men’s sexual activity levels were still tied to how well they did on both word-recall and number sequencing tests, the study found.

“However, there is ample evidence to suggest that loving, kind and supportive relationships are very important for both a satisfying sex life and for mental well-being throughout the life course,” Lindau said. “Whatever patients and societies can do to promote kindness and love is likely to benefit mental wellness as we age.”

Sex is an important part of life, and has been for thousands of years–just like physical activity and natural foods used to be, but unlike them, sex remains a popular choice. Check out the full post for more details.

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