How Childhood Stress Affects Future Health

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Stress is a daily struggle for most of us, a byproduct of the environment we live in, the jobs we have and schedules we try to stick to. Even so, we know how bad it is, not only does it feel awful, but the health risks to prolonged stress are numerous and deadly.

To combat stress we go on holidays, take breaks, meditate, quit our jobs or find some other form of rebellion. Or, we fight through it, to our own detriment. Now science is uncovering another unnerving fact about stress: how much you had to go through as a child is still affecting you now. As the Huffington Post explains:

The study reported in the Journal of American College of Cardiology found that emotional distress during childhood, even in the absence of high stress during adult years, can increase the risk of developing heart disease and metabolic disorders such as diabetes in adulthood. The data was from a large study tracking 6,714 participants from ages 7-45.

The surprise in the study was exactly how much these early experiences of childhood stress were linked to future health. I think it’s a surprise only in the sense that we discount childhood stress. We tend to minimize childhood stress not believing it has real significance.

If you stop and think about it, how are you affected today by what happened when you were younger? Chances are there’s a lot of links. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. People have been researching stress for a while now, and there are ways to turn your health around. It starts with understanding, so check out the full post for all the details.

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