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Learn how grape seeds can protect your body with multiple health benefits
If we were able to go back to Ancient Greece and have a quick view of what sort of medicinal treatments they used at the time, we would be sure to see grape seeds amongst their naturally derived medications.
Human beings have been using natural remedies as a form of medicine for thousands of years and grape seeds are one of those ingredients that have been used continuously to treat many health problems.
Grape seeds are not only great because they were used for multiple generations based on the fact that they appear to heal efficiently, but recent scientific evidence has emerged as well which acknowledges their healing properties.
What is Grape Seed Extract Used for?
Today, grape seed extract is used therapeutically to treat many different disorders. Some health problems that grape seeds protect against are:
- Venous insufficiency
- Inflammation
- Wound healing
- Alzheimer’s
- Prostate, lung and colon cancer
In fact, the beneficial properties of grape seeds look so promising that the NCCIH has supported further studying of the therapeutic effects of grape seed extracts against various diseases.
What makes Grapeseed Extract So Beneficial?
There are many naturally derived extracts that can be highly beneficial to your health.
Grape seeds, specifically, are particularly beneficial because they contain Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC).
OPC is an antioxidant which is often found in natural elements such as fruits, plants, and seeds. OPC’s have been studied in much detail and although their main benefit is in their antioxidant properties, they carry a host of other benefits as well.
OPC’s have proven to be:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antiviral
- Antibacterial
- Vasodilatory
- Anticarcinogenic
- Anti-allergic
What Do The Studies Say?
A study published in Nutrition uncovered the beneficial effects that grape seed extract has on improving reducing oxidative stress.
In the study, researchers observed the physiological conditions of obese rats. During the observation, they noted that rats that were obese had greater antioxidant activity in the liver.
Greater antioxidant activity in the liver most likely implies that obese rats were suffering from oxidative stress. It has been supported by other studies that eating food that has a high-fat content actually does cause oxidative stress in the body.
The researchers administered grape seed extract to the obese rats and they noted that the antioxidant activity in their liver decreased. This sudden decrease most likely occurred because the grape seed extract reduced oxidative stress. When the oxidative stress decreased, there was no more need to produce antioxidants in the liver.
This result is not surprising, considering that the OPC found in grape seed is known specifically for its ability to fight against oxidative stress.
This study has supported the fact that the OPC in grape seed is able to reduce oxidative stress in the body.
Grape seeds have multiple health benefits and are safe to consume. Grape seeds, or grape seed extract; which is taken in the form of a supplement, is a great way to help your body out and help protect yourself against unwanted illnesses and diseases.
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