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Is afternoon tiredness beating you down? Here’s the ultimate secret to beating tiredness with one simple method
After graduating from college, I jumped right into working full-time at a fast-paced digital agency, which means I drink coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
No matter how many cups of joe I drink throughout the day or how many hours of sleep I get the night before, that pesky drowsy feeling creeps up on me every day around 2 pm.
Get a life, lull!
We’ve all been there before. Your eyes get heavy, you can’t stop yawning, and 10 minutes later you realize you’ve been staring at your computer screen getting nothing done. #timetogohome
I know, just talking about it makes me sleepy.
It’s not a fun thing to experience a day in and day out and sometimes coffee just doesn’t cut it. If you’re like me, you’ve tried other alternatives like energy drinks to solve the problem but to no avail.
That is, until the day my boss recommended an all-natural supplement that he said could improve my focus and memory. I was apprehensive at first, but after giving it a try for two weeks, I can confidently tell you that I have found the secret to beating my afternoon lull.
This isn’t a scam or a sick joke. My hope in writing this is to inform you of a solution to your lack of focus and fatigue. Whether you’re a college student struggling to write that last paper or a recent grad like me trying to make it through your first full-time job, you need to keep reading.
This is saving you time
By reading this, you’re actually saving yourself a lot of time.
- Do a simple Google search of “all-natural supplement for focus” and you’ll find 176,000,000 results. Uh, what? No one has time to sift through all of those products just to find one that you sort of think could work.
Instead, finish reading this blog and I guarantee you will get all the information you need in just a few minutes.
Here’s the scoop
- After talking to my boss about my problem, he recommended NeuroActiv6. Instead of giving me the typical salesman spiel, he simply explained to me that the supplement is packed with all-natural ingredients that work to enhance your mood, improve your focus, and restore energy levels in your brain.
Sounds good to me!
- According to their website, the supplement is packed with “polyphenol compounds, nootropics, and bio-active ingredients that work to promote a healthy inflammatory response, lower oxidative stress and support healthy cortisol levels, raise BDNF levels, and promote “neural communication”; enabling neurons to talk to each other more effectively.”
Believe me, when I first read that my eyes started to glaze over. To put it simply, those ingredients are meant to give your brain the energy it needs to keep you at your best.
- Makes sense, right? Keep reading to find out how ridiculously easy it is to add the supplement to your routine.
Hello 2pm!
- I consistently drank NeuroActiv6 every day in the afternoon for just two weeks and the results were amazing.
I took a scoop of the powder (which is a tasty berry flavor) around 2pm and added it to a glass of water. I drank the supplement at various times during the day, so if you’re not about staying on a strict schedule, don’t worry. Just be sure to stay consistent in drinking it every day.
- Here’s the crazy part. After drinking the glass of water, I would typically go right back to my desk and start working again. After a few minutes, I literally felt like my lull had disappeared. It was even easier to focus on my screen than it was before.
To be honest, I was kind of expecting a surge of hulk-like strength, but what I did experience was even better. I felt way more awake and motivated to finish the day out strong than I did only 10 minutes ago, and this was consistently happening whenever I drank the supplement.
- I was thrilled. I thought it was so cool that just one scoop of powder could give me a mental boost!
Even hours after I drank the powder and had gone home for the day, I didn’t feel the exhaustion I normally experienced after a long day at work. That was huge for me.
- Before my boss told me about the supplement, I had not once thought about “feeding my brain” or making sure it was in tip-top shape. I realized that the magic is what’s in the supplement — incredibly healthy ingredients like turmeric and grape seed extract, but I’ll let you explore them on your own.
Final thoughts
- I can confidently say that I have found the secret to beating my afternoon lull. Don’t get me wrong, I still love a good cup of coffee, but it’s nice to know that I don’t have to rely on it to get through my day.
My job requires me to be on my computer and phone all day, and although it’s not physically demanding, it does take a toll on my mental energy. NeuroActiv6 truly helps me focus and beat my fatigue, and if you’re even somewhat interested to see if it can help you, I encourage you to give it a try. It’s safe, affordable, and tastes great.
FYI: the company that makes NeuroActiv6 has a quiz that will tell you your mental age in just 30 seconds. Feel free to give it a go.

Boost Mental Energy & Focus
Discover how just one glass a day of NeuroActiv6 can increase focus, clarity, and mental energy.
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