Scientists are still struggling to figure out exactly why we need sleep. A common thought is that it is simply to rest and regenerate, that might be true for the body, but the brain counterintuitively lights up with activity for much the night. What is true, obvious, and well researched is the fact that we need it, and suffer in large amounts without it.
Sleep deprivation can go from mild tiredness and lethargy to extreme states of memory loss and hallucinations. Some suggest that people with severe sleep loss show symptoms usually reserved for those with Alzheimer’s disease. To live a long and happy life, giving in to sleep for about a third of it is required. As Arianna Huffington writes on the Huffington Post, this issue is a big one, especially today:
We’re in the middle of a sleep crisis. According to a recent Gallup poll, 40 percent of all American adults are sleep-deprived. And the problem runs deep: the idea of sleep as time wasted not only compromises our health and our decision-making, it also undermines our relationships, our work lives, our performance and our decision-making.
Now, the good news. We’re also in the midst of a sleep revolution, finding ourselves in a golden age of sleep science, with new findings coming out practically every day testifying to sleep’s benefits. Scientists are confirming what our ancestors knew instinctively: that our sleep is not empty time.
Sleep might seem like it’s the most unproductive time there is, but in reality it is essential to productivity–you will have more focus, more creativity, and more awareness. Check out the full post for more details.
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