We normally think of aging as a natural process, everyone goes through it, every living creature must experience it. On the other hand, sickness and disease are things we’re supposed to avoid, they happen, but they’re effects are not supposed to last, life is meant to beat them.
But what if we changed that view, so that sickness, disease, and aging were all one in the same? Aging becomes something that people fight to alleviate, to overcome. While truly overcoming it is a long way off yet, scientists believe that by classifying aging as a disease, there will be greater importance placed on reducing it’s symptoms and helping people age gracefully and healthily. Life Extension Daily News has more:
“Aging is a complex multifactorial process leading to loss of function and a very broad spectrum of diseases. While the notion of whether aging itself is a disease is usually disputed, classifying it as such will help shift the focus of biomedicine from treatment to prevention.
Considering the unprecedented increases in life expectancy and the heavy burden of medical costs in the developed countries, maintaining the human body in the disease-free youthful state for as long as possible is not just an altruistic cause, but a pressing economic necessity”, said Alex Zhavoronkov, PhD, CEO of Insilico Medicine, Inc.
I must admit I get a little giddy when I see the progress that science and technology are having on our health and longevity. Let’s hope we continue to see positive moves going forward. Check out the full post for all the details.

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