Fish oil can help your child get better grades with a magical property
A warm cup of fish oil may be the last thing you or your kids want at dinner, but studies show that fish oil is an absolutely phenomenal brain booster.
Of course, you don’t have to take fish oil in its liquid form, you can eat fish or take fish oil in supplements as well, just to save your taste buds the trauma!
What Does The Research Say?
Multiple studies have been conducted in the past decade with regards to the amazing ability of fish oil to boost cognitive ability.
One particular study conducted in 2013, revealed that children with below-average reading ability were noted to have an absence of omega-3 fatty acids and DHA in their blood. Omega-3 fatty acids and DHA are found in fish oil or fish.
Researchers selected 493 students who were notorious for their below-average reading ability and tested their blood through fingerstick sampling. The researchers discovered that the children suffered from lower than recommended levels of DHA and EPA.
This study supports the idea that consuming fish oil to boost DHA and EPA in the blood can lead to better cognitive ability and even better performance at school. Exercise is also a great way to help yourself and your child improve their cognitive ability. You can read more about how exercise benefits your brain here.
What Are EPA and DHA?
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are two Omega-3 fatty acids that play significant roles in the appropriate functioning of our body. Is there a difference between the two? At a molecular and chemical level, yes.
There are significant differences between the two fatty acids when their structure and specific functions are examined, however, both EPA and DHA are similar in that they are equally potent at reducing triglyceride levels and reducing inflammation in the brain.
How Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids Boost Your Bain?
Apart from having the potential to reduce neuroinflammation, DHA and EPA are vital when it comes to the formation of nerve cells. According to multiple studies, the appearance of DHA and EPA in the brain directly reflect the ability of the cell to take up neurotransmitters and important hormones.
If our brain suffers a deficit in these essential fatty acids, we could suffer from poor neuronal conduction and other disorders such as ADHD, memory loss, and even depression.
Will The Supplements Work Just As Good?
Health organizations worldwide accept that fish and fish oil have many beneficial attributes, particularly for our brain. The real question is, can we get the same benefits through supplements as opposed to the real thing?
There was a large study conducted in 2015 which had disheartening results. The study revealed that consuming omega-3 acid supplements did not really do anything to improve the cognitive functioning of elderly people.
However, this study was only limited to elderly people so don’t pull out that mug just yet. Other studies have revealed that there are beneficial changes in brain tissue after consuming omega-3 supplements. To be on the safe side, consuming fish and fish oil is best, however, the literature seems to agree with the idea that you can get a lo if not all the same benefit through taking the supplements as well.
Fish oil supplements containing the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are very beneficial in improving cognitive ability. If you’re not performing your best at work or your children are suffering academically, a fish oil supplement or an all-in-one brain supplement like Neuroactiv6 may be just what you need.

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