Just 10 Minutes of Meditation Per Day Will Change Your Entire Life

10 minutes of meditation per dayJust 10 minutes of meditation per day can change your life and bring about peace

We all know that meditation can have a lot of amazing benefits. It can reduce stress, improve your concentration, promote healthier lifestyle choices, increase happiness, enhance self-awareness, and even fights aging.

The problem with meditation is that it’s so time-consuming!

When we’re in the middle of our busy days, there’s no way we can take an hour or two to stop what we’re doing. It’s nearly impossible to clear our minds with all the tasks we have to accomplish—tasks we’re NOT accomplishing while we meditate.

Good news: you don’t need to spend hours in meditation. In fact, as one study from the University of Waterloo found, all you need is just 10 minutes of meditation per day.

Researchers gathered 82 participants, all of whom suffered from anxiety. They were asked to perform a computer task but were regularly interrupted. The participants were asked about their ability to focus on the tasks and their anxiety levels as a result of the task and interruptions.

For the next phase, the participants were put at random into two groups: one was given an audio story to listen to, while the other engaged in short meditative practices. Both groups were then once more subjected to the computer task and repeated interruptions.

This time, when asked about their ability to focus and their anxiety levels, the group that went through the meditation practices were less anxious and had an easier time focusing on their work. They were less prone to off-task thinking and were better able to remain concentrated on the task at hand despite the interruptions. The interruptions also caused less anxiety.

An absolutely fascinating outcome, isn’t it? Meditation proved effective at not only improving concentration but also reducing anxious feelings. According to one of the researchers, “Mind wandering accounts for nearly half of any person’s daily stream of consciousness. For people with anxiety, repetitive off-task thoughts can negatively affect their ability to learn, to complete tasks, or even function safely.”

The meditation practice essentially curbed these off-task thoughts, helping the participants to stay focused on their task. As the researcher stated, “Mindfulness training may have protective effects on mind-wandering for anxious individuals. Meditation practice appears to help anxious people to shift their attention from their own internal worries to the present-moment external world, which enables better focus on a task at hand.”

Feeling anxious about everything you have to do during the day? Spend a few minutes meditating. Worried about some future challenge or difficulty? Spend a few minutes meditating. Got a problem that just won’t leave you alone? Spend a few minutes meditating!

The study found that just 10 minutes of mindful meditation had a protective effect on the brain, helping you to stay focused on your tasks and keeping anxiety at bay. You don’t need to spend hours trying to meditate—just 10 minutes of meditation per day will do the trick!

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Mengran Xu, Christine Purdon, Paul Seli, Daniel Smilek. Mindfulness and mind-wandering: The protective effects of brief meditation in anxious individualsConsciousness and Cognition, 2017; 51: 157 DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2017.03.009

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