We all need to find ways to keep our minds in top gear as we age. Nobody wants their memory or cognitive ability to problem solve to wane, and yet they do if we’re not careful. The good news is that keeping your brain healthy and sharp doesn’t require massive changes to your lifestyle.
After we leave school and get a good job we often fall into a mindset of working and relaxing. We believe we need to earn money so that we can go on the odd holiday and have enough reserved for retirement. However this is wrong—we should be continuously learning throughout life, not just in school, and we should maintain physical activity—even if it’s as simple as climbing the stairs. Newmax has more:
In the study, carried out by a team from Concordia University’s Montreal-based PERFORM Center, researchers examined the brains of 331 healthy adults aged 19 to 79 using MRI scans.
The results showed that the more stairs climbed and the more years at school, the younger the brain, with the age of the brain younger by nearly a full year (0.95 years) for every year spent in education, and by over half a year (0.58 years) for every flight of stairs climbed each day — defined in the study as stairs between two consecutive floors in a building.
It might seem like too much effort at the time, but climbing a few stairs and taking some time to learn something new could pay off both in present terms and in the future. Check out the full post for more details.
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