Mediterranean Diet Linked To Healthier Aging Brain

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We normally eat healthy food or go on a diet because we’re concerned about the health of our body. We want to lose weight, we want fuel to put on muscle, or we just want to stop eating junk and improve our general health. For all those things, eating really does work well, but it’s far from all that can be accomplished.

Eating a healthy diet also means benefits to your brain. That often overlooked neuronal mass sitting inside your skull also wants you to eat right, and upon doing so it will work faster, happier, and grow stronger. An article in the Huffington Post is reporting that of our choices of what to eat, for the purpose of the brain, a Mediterranean diet might be best:

Following a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish and healthy fats may preserve a more youthful brain in old age, a U.S. study suggests.

Previous research has connected a Mediterranean diet to a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and other degenerative brain conditions, noted lead study author Yian Gu of Columbia University in New York.

It looks like there are plenty of benefits to be had. You might like to consider going one step further and heading over to a little Mediterranean island, to boost your brain with food and some holiday time. Check out the full post for all the details.

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