Do you know paying attention is the secret to staying healthy? Learn from experts how it works
What does it mean to be mindful? If someone said “be mindful of the step,” we know that we should be aware that there is a step. Simply, being mindful means paying attention when and where it counts. We can be mindful of our eating, our workout, or our conversations, instead of having our minds wander.
Not many people are mindful these days. We have phones and emails and notifications and todo lists that consume our day and wreak havoc on our ability to concentrate. Studies have already found that practicing mindfulness can clear our minds and improve our focus, but new research even suggests that being mindful can halt weight gain and keep us physically healthy:
A group of researchers at Brown University has been prospectively studying a birth cohort in the New England Family Study. The latest findings from this group, published in the International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, reveal that central obesity and adiposity are inversely related to mindfulness. That is, people who are not mindful are 34% more likely to be obese and are also more likely to have increased abdominal fat. Further, people who were not obese as children but became obese as adults had lower mindfulness scores than people who were not obese in childhood or adulthood.
Being aware of your current feelings and thoughts helps you associate behaviors – like eating, exercising, or smoking, for example – with how you feel (emotionally and physically) after completing the behavior. In this way, mindfulness can help you overcome cravings to eat unhealthy food or smoke a cigarette and override aversions to exercise.
I would like to point out that it’s not essential to be mindful all the time. Sometimes we need to ‘zone out.’ But as long as we can recognize moments as requiring attention, then we can make an effort to be mindful at the right times. Check out the full post to learn why this is so important.
For a peaceful healthy mind, You can also take brain supplements such as NeuroActiv6 from Natural Cell a supplement that has a lot of potential for improving health.

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